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< prev - next > Manufacturing handicraft process industries Metalworking KnO 100355_Pipe bending (Printable PDF)
This technical brief describes the construction of a pipe-bending tool that you can make with
only a small number of tools. It was originally built and field-tested by ITDG (now Practical
Action) in Malawi, Zimbabwe and Botswana.
You will need the following equipment to produce the pipe pending tool.
a drill,
a welding machine
a metal saw
Operation of the pending tool is relatively
easy. The pipe that you wish to create a
bend in is placed in the clamp and the two
nuts are tightened to ensure that the pipe
does not slip. Once the pipe is clamped up
the bending arm can be slipped onto the
pipe and positioned appropriately. The long
arm of the tool makes the job of bending the
pipe easy.
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